Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Overexposed by Maroon 5 free essay sample

Pop is a very popular and entertaining genre. There are many artists who exceed in this genre, and amongst them is a popular band, Maroon 5. They have recently come out with their album, Overexposed. Maroon 5 entertains a wide-range of listeners, from first graders to adults in the mid forties and fifties. When you first listen to their album, you will be able to pick out a catchy, up-beat tone throughout, even when you listen to the slower songs in this album. This band has been together and performing for about 12 years. They started out as a rock band, and now are a very talented five-person pop band. They have released the albums Songs About Jane (2002), It Wont Be Soon Before Long (2007), and Hands All Over (2010) before. These albums were good, but not as good as Overexposed, probably because they have more experience, and they had more listeners when they released this album. The song â€Å"Wasted Years† sounds like their old sound. This album can be compared to one of the other albums, â€Å"Songs about Jane,† and is just as memorable. Tracks in this album are filled with emotion like many of their other songs from previous years. Each song has a different feeling someone could be going through in their life. Thusly, any person could find a song to love and relate to. The theme of this album is love. It is about the relationships and bonds you create with people. This is evident in the following lyrics: â€Å"Something isn’t right and I don’t want to fight you†¦Ã¢â‚¬  from â€Å"Wipe Your Eyes†. These lyrics show compassion and make you feel like someone cares for you even when it seems no one does. â€Å"Cause in the daylight we will be on our own. But tonight I’m going to keep you so close†¦Ã¢â‚¬  is from the song â€Å"Daylight†. This phrase does a good job at summing up the song. The song is about living in the moment and keeping the people you might lose close. All people will lose others at some point in their life. The song is universal in that way. Like many albums, some songs on â€Å"Overexposed† are better than others. A song that really stands out is â€Å"The Man Who Never Lied†. It describes how honesty is great but sometimes leads to sorrow. A song that is not as enjoyable as others is â€Å"Sad.† Like the title says, it is a sad and slow song that doesn’t fit in with the others on the album. I give the album four out of five stars for its great sound and emotion. It brings life to problems in life and gives you something great to listen to. This album has a different sound than most other pop albums. It is great addition to the genre. I strongly recommend giving it a listen.

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