Saturday, May 16, 2020

Questions On The Security Dilemma - 2268 Words

War is commonly understood as a rational decision based on a calculation of the costs of war and potential benefits of conflict, vis-à  -vis other modes of bargaining (Magagna, 2016). This understanding intuitively bases the choice of war on an actor’s own preferences and intentions. However, the security dilemma would conclude that various factors in the international system, makes war a more rational choice than initially anticipated. The security dilemma is a situation in which the pursuit and maximization of an actor’s security becomes, paradoxically, a source of one’s own insecurity, which in turn increases instability and may potentially tip an actor’s incentives for a rational choice of war, regardless of his preferences (Magagna, 2016). This essay will attempt to explain the security dilemma, both its causes and effects, it will also attempt to analyze the viability of possible solutions. A study of the security dilemma will inevitably involve an exploration of its underlying assumptions and premises. Firstly, the premises of the security dilemma will be explained through the lens of structural realist theory and its notions of an anarchic international system marked by self-help. Secondly, game theory will be involved to show how strategic interaction and problems of insufficient information also create the conditions and incentives for the security dilemma, despite states’ rational war choices for peace. This will be linked to the problem of bluffing, credibleShow MoreRelatedThe Four Steps Ethical Analysis And Decision Making Process Essay1662 Words   |  7 PagesContents Question 1. 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